xobox’ Command Line Interface

xobox’ command line interface is contained within the xobox.cli package. It offers only one function at package level which can be called directly. This function is usually called from a Python script acting as executable interface.


Function being called from the executable to launch the CLI. This is the initial entrance point for any xobox processing. Usually, this function is invoked by an executable Python script to start the actual xobox CLI process. This could look like the following example:

import sys
from xobox.cli import execute
Parameters:argv (list) – list of (command line) arguments

The execute() function will create a CommandDispatcher instance, which provides the logic for invoking a command.


class xobox.cli.dispatch.CommandDispatcher(argv=None)[source]

Class encapsulating the logic for starting a command.

Parameters:argv (list) – list of (command line) arguments

Create the appropriate command usage message


Based on the given command line arguments and the available subcommands, this method creates the appropriate command line parser and starts the corresponding subcommand.


Create the appropriate global usage message


Reply to a user’s help request


Exit status

Command Line Commands

Command line commands are implemented as modules within the xobox.cli.commands package. The module name itself must be unique within the commands package, but has no direct link to the command’s external designator used on the command line.

All command line commands are implemented as classes, inheriting from xobox.cli.base.BaseCommand:

class xobox.cli.base.BaseCommand(global_args=None, cmd_args=None, logger=None)[source]

The base class from which all CLI commands derive.

Attributes affecting the behaviour of a Command object:

A short description of the command, which will be used to construct help messages or usage instructions for the command.
The name under which the command is known. Internally, the name only differs from an alias in the fact that it’s used as the “main” alias in help and usage messages.
A tuple of alias names for the command
A tuple of arguments accepted by the command. Each argument consists of a tuple with two elements. The first element is a tuple containing the short and long option identifiers; e. g. (‘-f’, ‘–foo’) The second element is a dictionary containing arbitrary elements. All keyword arguments accepted by argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument() are allowed as key names within this dictionary.

Set up environment for running the command. Then call the handle() method which needs to be implemented by each command.


Get a command argument value


Get a global argument value


The handle method contains the actual code for the command. This method needs to be implemented for each command.

log(level, message)[source]

Logging shortcut for convenience


Debug logging short cut method for convenience


Error logging short cut method for convenience


Info logging short cut method for convenience


Notice logging short cut method for convenience


Warning logging short cut method for convenience

Writing a Command Line Command

Writing a command line command can be as easy as creating a Python module within the xobox.cli.commands package containing a class inheriting from BaseCommand and overriding some basic settings:

from xobox.cli.base import BaseCommand

class MyCommand(BaseCommand)
   name = 'foo'
   aliases = ('bar', 'baz')
   help = 'The super foo command that makes you bar'

Looks easy? It actually is, since CommandDispatcher is performing all the black magic needed to detect available commands, make up decent usage messages out of the information provided by each command’s implementation, parsing eventual command line arguments required by the different commands and finally setting up the environment and running the command.

Unfortunately, this command would not be of any use – once invoked by the dispatcher, it will simply raise a NotImplementedError exception. This is simply for the fact that each command needs to implement its own handle() method. Since this has not happened here, the handle() method inherited from the CommandDispatcher class will be used, and this one simply raises a NotImplementedError exception.

When implementing your own handle() method, please take care of the following conventions.

User Interaction

Whenever possible, user interaction shall be avoided. The concept of xobox is to gather all required information either form command line arguments or from configuration files, and then to run silently, only outputting status information according to the log level set by the user.

This restriction has been set in order to respecting that one important use case is to run xobox as batch job, where no user interaction is possible.


All output to the user interface shall be channelled through the appropriate log_...() methods each command class has inherited from the BaseCommand class. This ensures the output is only sent if the user has selected the corresponding log level, and it is sent through the right channel.


Never use Python’s print() function to generate and send output to the user interface. This will break xobox’s promise of being 100% batch job enabled, including logging its output to a file.


xobox uses the status property any command has inherited from the BaseCommand class for setting an appropriate exit status when terminating xobox’s main process.

By default, a command object’s status is set to os.EX_OK. If necessary or appropriate, the status information can be changed within the handle() method by overwriting the internal _status member:

def handle(self):
   self._status = xobox.utils.compat.EX_USAGE

Existing Command Line Commands

Version Command

class xobox.cli.commands.version.VersionCommand(global_args=None, cmd_args=None, logger=None)[source]

Command class implementing the version command.

aliases = ('--version', '-v')
arguments = ((('-s', '--short'), {'help': 'only print the version string', 'action': 'store_true'}),)

Command handler for the version command

help = 'Show version and copyright information'
name = 'version'

Logging Interface

The logger module is responsible for handling any output that shall be transported to the user. It implements the magic behind the log_...() methods provided by the CommandDispatcher class, allowing command implementations to easily transporting information to the user interface.

The logger module provides a class interface, offering a flexible message output system:

class xobox.cli.logger.Logger
get_instance(*args, **kwargs)

Obtain the reference to the instance of Logger. If no instance exists yet, one will be created and its reference returned.


If a logger instance already exists (e. g. due to an earlier invocation from another module or function), any passed keyword arguments will be ignored. Therefore, it is safer to not using any keyword arguments, but setting the logger’s properties appropriately after having received the logger instance’s reference.

log(level, message)

Register a log message within the logging queue and flush the queue afterwards (currently log messages are not cached).

  • level (str) – The log level to be used for the message to be passed. Must be one of error, warning, notice, info, debug or usage.
  • message (str) – The message string to be recorded

Convenience shortcut for registering messages with log level error

Parameters:message (str) – The message string to be recorded

Convenience shortcut for registering messages with log level warning

Parameters:message (str) – The message string to be recorded

Convenience shortcut for registering messages with log level notice

Parameters:message (str) – The message string to be recorded

Convenience shortcut for registering messages with log level info

Parameters:message (str) – The message string to be recorded

Convenience shortcut for registering messages with log level debug

Parameters:message (str) – The message string to be recorded

Convenience shortcut for registering messages with log level usage

Parameters:message (str) – The message string to be recorded

Boolean switch indicating whether this logger allows colored output.


The log file used when run as file logger. Must be a string indicating the path name of the file to log into.


The log level (string). Expected to be one of mute, error, warning, info or debug.


The logger type (string). Expected to be one of term or file.